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Sex Masterclass with Jaiya

I hope you know Jaiya, sex education expert seen on Netflix - SEX, LOVE, and GOOP. interviewed by just about everyone out there, most importantly, she is the creator of the Erotic Blueprintsâ„¢ and of the courses that I have taken to add Sex Expert to my credentials.

My journey to becoming an Erotic Blueprintâ„¢ Certified Coach, started when some of my clients who have ADHD were struggling with various sexual problems, from going through a sex change to sexual trauma. I knew I wasn't equipped to work in that capacity, and I was surprised that I couldn't find anyone to refer them to in my area. This was before the pandemic and I didn't work online yet.

Few therapists understand ADHD even though they note it in their expertise. Even fewer understand the depths of sexuality and sexual trauma that people go through. I went online to explore this and found Jaiya and her partner Ian, all over social media. Following them enhanced my work and my personal life.

Two years later I was in her program and meeting with her personally every two weeks. I certified in 2020 and had to pivot my practice to online because of COVID. All at once, so many doors were opened for me that I had not expected. Within the certification, there are several other courses required to be the best we can be for our clients.

How would you like to have Jaiya and Ian, her partner, coaching you live, to better know and understand your sexuality,? Here is your chance.

They will be teaching the Erotic Blueprintsâ„¢ Breakthrough Course live for the last time from Tuesday February 27th to April 23rd weekly. She will not be on all of the calls but on several of them. Put the dates in your calendar because you don't want to miss one session. This is your opportunity to enhance your sexual awareness and learn from Jaiya and Ian.

Once you click the button below, there is a lot more information about the course. Scroll down to see pricing options. You will be pleasantly surprised.

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