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ADHD Coaching/Therapy

Fun is Power!

  • 1 h 15 min
  • 250 Canadian dollars
  • Location 1

Service Description

You will be booking one Discovery Call, where we will discuss your struggles at length, an make a plan on how to proceed. In this program, you will come to understand your specific Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder issues, how they are showing up in your life, and how to manage them. Here are some things my clients struggle with. ● physical or in the brain only hyperactivity ● risky behaviour ● extremely creative - another idea every few minutes ● very impulsive/struggles to have boundaries ● always wanting to understand the why/ hates unfairness ● very passive/confrontation is the worst ● lots of fears/ daily bombarded with negative thoughts ● low self-esteem/ often don't believe compliments ● talk excessively/often drain people or hardly at all ● constantly doubting self/avoiding making decisions ● needing a lot of encouragement and nurturing/feel unloved ● extremely black and white thinking - sometimes explained as all or nothing thinking ● interested in everything or nothing ● promiscuous/mistaking sex for love ● extremely intelligent yet feels not good enough ● very literal, difficulty reading social cues and body language ● always curious ● socially awkward ● very intense ● too trusting ● spontaneous ● often overwhelmed

Cancellation Policy

Sexuality & ADhD Solutions does not give refunds on any services. Please reschedule within 6 months of the cancelled appointment. Thank you.

Contact Details

Love yourself well, then love others.

Get in touch:

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I empower people to remove obstacles standing in the way of their peaceful, happy life.  All coaching is online.


Healing your hurts will allow you to feel more pleasure.
EB Coach badge.png
Certified ADDCA Coach
Registered Counsellor and Therapist

Hours of operation:

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 8am - 8pm Eastern.

Fridays 8am - 1pm. 

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